BCS® buffer storage management

BCS® buffer storage management

The BCS® buffer storage management module with prediction function for the heat demand of the district heating network ensures optimum charging and discharging of your heat storage tanks. Mains peaks are passed on to the boiler in a damped manner through targeted discharging and during off-peak times the buffer storage tank is recharged accordingly.

The prediction function of theBCS PSM The optimized, forward-looking buffer storage management makes it possible to monitor the heat demand in the district heating network. The required output is requested from the active or prioritized heat generators according to the buffer volume.

I am happy to be there for you!

David Hechinger is your expert when it comes to buffer storage tanks!

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Your benefits from using buffer storage management

Technical advantages

    • Stabilization of boiler and blower operation protects the boiler components and thus extends their service life
    • Reduction of load changes and glow retention time at low load ensure optimum overall efficiency
    • Intuitive operation, taking into account individual specifications for loading temperature and limits

Economic advantages

    • Reduction of own power consumption through uniform operation of the combustion fans and avoidance of buffer overload (reduced electricity costs and higher power conversion efficiency)
    • Reduction of malfunctions and necessary manual interventions (optimized personnel deployment)
    • Reduction in fuel consumption and peak load boiler operating times (reduced fuel costs)

Environmental advantages

    • Reduction of emissions and compliance with emission limits (CO, NOx, NH3…)
    • Reduction of fossil fuel requirements (peak load boiler – oil/gas)
    • Increased energy efficiency
Stabilization of boiler operation, smoother operation
Optimum overall efficiency
by reducing the load changes
Constant compliance with emission limits
Reduction in the need for fossil fuels
Greater energy efficiency
Maximum power output
through targeted avoidance of buffer overload

“The CONENGA Group engineers successfully installed the higher-level biomass control solution with the firing rate control (FLR), buffer storage management (PSM) and load hierarchy management (LHM) modules at the site. The entire plant has effectively been given a new brain with which every load situation can be run optimally and evenly with full operational reliability. Once in operation, the control system is like an autopilot.”

Hansjörg Rottensteiner, Technical Manager, Ritten district heating plant

Further information:

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