

Shaping technology for the future together!

When considering and planning the construction or conversion of new process plants, questions always arise regarding plant performance and environmental impact (e.g. CO₂ footprint). We carry out facility simulations to provide reliable answers to these questions and those relating to fuel yield or emission behaviour.

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I am happy to be there for you!

Lukas Haffner is your expert when it comes to simulations!

We simulate the planned system configuration or system states as well as the control behaviour, especially in the case of usual load changes during operation and in the case of malfunctions. This allows us to accurately predict whether effectiveness and efficiency are guaranteed and whether critical situations occur or how the system will then behave.

In optimisation projects or capacity expansions, we also eliminate ambiguities with regard to the expected performance by means of dynamic simulation.

Our consistently systematic approach is based on handling large amounts of data and guarantees meaningful results in terms of the problem and beyond. As a client, as well as a contractor, you can confidently implement and commission an optimisation after a successful simulation.

The following example shows the simulation of the O₂ concentration – at 6:00 a switchover is made to the control to be tested.

O2 simulation


Regardless of whether you already have concrete ideas or are still in the idea phase or concept development – we are happy to support you in an initial exchange. We look forward to hearing from you!

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